
Tools | adopt

Cypress is a tool for browser testing automation. It's very easy to set up and get started with, making it an excellent tool for the implementation of end-to-end tests in existing projects.

The things we like about Cypress include its rich documentation, TypeScript support, and the Cypress App that makes it easy to develop and debug the tests locally.

The list of browsers supported by Cypress became more complete over the years and now covers all popular browsers and engines including Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Electron, Firefox, and WebKit.

We had a very good experience running BDD tests with Cypress, using one of the community-developed preprocessors.

Over the years of working with Cypress, we run into two major limitations. First, parallel test execution works only with the paid web app—Cypress Cloud. The other one was cross-origin testing, which wasn't possible at the time, and we resorted to alternative tools. This issue was resolved in version 12.0.0.

The ease of setting up and developing tests, and all the other features of Cypress makes it our go-to browser testing automation tool.


adopt | July 2019

Cypress is a tool for browser testing automation. It's very easy to set up and get started with, making it an excellent tool for implementation of end-to-end tests in existing projects.

However, currently Cypress is limited to running tests only with Chrome (and Electron) and -- despite being easy to use efficiently for simple to moderately complex test scenarios -- it lacks some of the Selenium's range and features.
