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How to plan and estimate complex eCommerce projects successfully – SCD Masterclass

online Speech

We explain how to make sense out of chaos while planning.

Inaccurate predictors create lots of issues in the IT world. Project estimation is a challenging assignment. It is difficult because of the complexity of real-world projects and the shortcomings of data as the core source for estimates. If the estimation is based on incomplete information or assumptions, the outcome may be devastating to both clients and service providers.

If you are curious about how to keep your team happy and your project smooth, watch the masterclass!

Shopware 6 on Kubernetes in the cloud – webinar

online Speech

We explained how to deploy Shopware 6 to a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud and profit from its capabilities.

Auto-scaling, self-healing and automatic deployments are important for the enterprises for whose 99,9% or higher uptime is a must. Kubernetes is the right tool to help achieve these goals.
Shopware 6 as being API-driven can function perfectly in such a microservice oriented environment.

Are you wondering how to scale Shopware 6 store on demand? Watch the webinar!

Follow step by step manual how to set up Shopware 6 store on Kubernetes in the cloud.