
Tools | adopt

Jenkins is an open-source automation server, facilitating building, testing, and deploying software projects.

While platforms like Github Actions or Bitbucket pipelines work well in a wide range of scenarios, Jenkins is our go-to tool for anything that's more complex or requires more resources. From sophisticated coding standard quality gates on legacy projects, through testing server provisioning playbooks inside containers, to running a full suite of E2E tests—we rely on Jenkins' flexibility and extensibility to get the full benefit of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in many of our projects.


adopt | July 2019

Jenkins is the de facto standard automation server. With hundreds of plugins and sizeable community it proves itself to be able to handle anything from a simple pipeline, to advanced, multi-stage tests with detailed reporting.

However, its capabilities come at a cost of maintaining infrastructure for Jenkins to run on, and the need to constantly monitor the application itself and its configuration.

At Kiwee we use Jenkins as our go-to tool for any CI/CD pipeline that's not feasible to run using Bitbucket Pipelines, Travis, CircleCI or similar.
