Shopware 6 on Kubernetes in the cloud

Hosting Shopware 6 in the cloud on Kubernetes cluster enables a whole new level of versatility and reliability. Horizontal scaling ensures your platform is prepared for traffic peaks. Enhanced monitoring gives you full control of what is happening around all its components. Finally, the cloud provider is your choice. Kubernetes is platform agnostic.

Hosting Shopware 6 in the cloud on Kubernetes cluster enables a whole new level of versatility and reliability. Horizontal scaling ensures your platform is prepared for traffic peaks. Enhanced monitoring gives you full control of what is happening around all its components. Finally, the cloud provider is your choice. Kubernetes is platform agnostic.

Shopware 6 Cluster Configuration

  • Highly available MySQL and performance-optimized MySQL server
  • Highly available Elasticsearch cluster
  • Redis – as the cache and the session storage
  • Varnish – HTTP cache for blazing fast server response times
  • Load Balancer
  • RabbitMQ – a durable message broker to execute background tasks asynchronously.
  • Implementing the PWA Storefront

Configuration Tailored to Your Cloud Provider

GitOps and Monitoring

  • Setting up continuous deployment tools and processes
  • Setting up the cluster status and health monitoring
  • Aggregate all system and application logs. 

Performance and Security Testing

  • Load testing of your Shopware 6 cluster to make sure it will be able to handle higher than usual traffic and test whether it scales efficiently
  • Security testing for known vulnerabilities to ensure your Shopware 6 setup is safe and secure.